Gift Wellness Update from the CEO

The truth is… I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. When you can turn your hand to most things, it’s difficult to be tied down to any one occupation. Life is far more interesting when you’re always on the lookout for the next problem that needs solving or a new idea that has caught your attention. 

You’re probably wondering where I’m going with this?

Well those of you who know me and my story, know how passionate I am about women’s rights and environmental issues. In regard to women’s rights, for me, it’s largely about enabling and allowing women to just be women. Creating the right environment so that women can be authentic to themselves and still be successful, without having to try to compete within a male orientated culture. Part of this liberation relates to providing women with the everyday essentials they need to function productively and healthily without compromising their quality of life or ethical values. That’s really what Gift Wellness products do, they are free of the toxins that most ordinary high street pads contain; which make women feel much worse than they should feel during their periods. Most women, trusting souls that we are, generally assume that the big companies that make sanitary products can be trusted not to be poisoning them every month, and are shocked when they first use Gift pads and realise how much better they feel. 

On environmental issues, I feel that women like me are consciously looking for ways to reduce the amount of toxic chemicals and plastics they throw away. During the last year or so, I’ve been talking to women and looking seriously into how Gift Wellness can help facilitate this paradigm shift from being a society that blindly consumes and throws away packaging without considering its longterm impact. As a person of faith, I believe that God will hold me accountable for every handful of earth that I destroy. When I think about all the ‘stuff’ that I’ve thrown away in the past, it really makes me wonder how many handfuls of earth I will have killed off, rather than cultivated - many many acres, I suspect. There is no escaping our culpability as the evidence is becoming clearer by the day in our changing climate and biodiversity.

So what is our next move? 

We want to make it possible for the room in your house which produces the most plastic waste to become a zero percent plastic waste zone. I am of course talking about your bathroom, where the bin is usually full of plastic shampoo, conditioner, bodywash and facewash bottles, not to mention toothpaste tubes, deodorants  and cleaning product bottles. This has level of waste has got to stop, and we simply have to commit to it. Our job, is to make the transition not only as easy to implement as possible but hopefully to ensure that it will improve your quality of life in many ways. 

Over the next few weeks, Gift Wellness is going to be launching a new range of wash bars. They will include shampoo and conditioner bars, body wash bars, face wash bars and much more for the whole family. They will be made of natural, organic ingredients that will promote a wholesome, healthy lifestyle and critically, they will all be packaged in paper or card, producing no plastic waste whatsoever. 

I haven't been this excited about anything since the Gift pads range came out and can't wait for our customers to try it for themselves! In the meantime, do subscribe to Gift Wellness updates and keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook pages to be the first to get the latest news and get your hands on the range. Of course our valued customers will be the first to enjoy the exclusive opening trial offers. 

We can't wait to tell you more!! xx

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